
Important Instruction

*Respected Parents *
Hope you all are doing well and taking care of yourself in this unexpected crisis. Since we cannot assure the time duration for how long it will persist, we need to adapt new ways to overcome it without any major loss to the students comprehensive learning. We have completed few lessons of the syllabus primarily in the end of April and beginning of May. Blossom has always worked for quality teaching may it be in traditional classroom or on e-learning classroom. We were the pioneers in introducing e-learning in our town. Now understanding the needs of our children we at school level have researched few ways to give the best to them, so that they will understand better. After testing and going through many online programmes, we have decided to go with the *Fliplearn App.* and the school have purchased this app for the students. The government may take any decision we are ready to tackle it. If the syllabus will be condensed then it will a student's loss because each year is the base of another. *This app will be assisted and controlled by the teacher.* Teachers will decide what the students will study in the stipulated time. Along with the selected *NCERT* books there are numerous *modules* that can clear the understanding of your ward. The teacher will also be able to give her *own resources* and there are many *interactive modules* where-in you will *understand the knowledge capacity of your child.* Apart from these you will get the test for your ward, which he can submit and you will instantly *get the result of the test.* We are sure you can explore and get the never before *best experience of online teaching* as the teachers will monitor the students performance. This app will be activated from *Second Week of June.* All the students have to be prepared from Second Week of June. School Management is trying its level best to serve you the best facilities. We expect your 100% cooperation by not providing any excuses like you are out of town or your child is at his maternal uncle's place. Please be cooperative towards the teachers as well because they too are working for it beyond the working hours. *Note: Parents can purchase the books as per their convenience when the lockdown is opened.* Thanks *Blossom*